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Re: Attention George Walker Bush Jr

Are you sure about your facts? I don't want to call you a liar, but I spent 6 years in the service as well as being an army brat. And I have never heard of a 36+ year vet stilling doing recon. You said he was in Nam (late 60's early 70's) you said he got called up for this, well I don't claim to know everything about the military, but I have never heard of anything even close (except maybe Steven Sigals next low budget film).

If you did indeed lose a friend I am truly sorry, but nuking the whole bunch of towel heads is still not the answer. But I like you would like to see it happen. The purpose of the military is to go over and defend the homeland, before the battle comes home. Everyone who signs up and stays in knows that is the risk they take.

If you disagree with the policy in Iraq then lets hear a real solution, not just more blather. I agree it is not being fought right but just leaving is not a viable option, it will show weakness, and you cannot imagine what that will produce from people who don't know the meaning of mercy.
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Re: Attention George Walker Bush Jr deleted 11/5/2006 5:32:00 PM