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Attention George Walker Bush Jr

Its tell the truth time George, You Made the wrong decision when you invaded Iraq , why is it so hard for you to admit . When the elections are over and the Democrats control things maybe then you will read the writing on thw wall. I am independent party , I don't like any of the good ole boys , democrat or republican . I have a soloution for an end to the war. We take all the elligible age children from all poloticians past and present train them , and ship them to the front lines to fight beside all my breatheren there. My bro. died in "YOUR" GOD DARN WAR , but only after he fought in Viet Nam, then his unit was reactavated to serve in Bozina and then in Iraq his final resting place . We cried together before he left for Iraq as we had the feeling he wasn't coming back and sure as he.l.l he didn't. Now I proudly wear his leather jacket, although when people see me in it they have mixed feelings, some come up and say I'm proud of you guys some are afraid to approach. He was proud to serve his country,He "WAS" a RECON MARINE note I said was. I wish it was your brother or daughters who died there maybe then you might feel the pain. I'd be willing to bet if the sons and daughters of all Goverment officials had to go to war it would be over tomorrow."THE END" While I rolling let me also state a few other things. Why does the Goverment hide the existence of exterterstial life forms on this planet?? Are YOU one??? They have been here longer than time can relivate, take for instance the hyroglifics in the ruins of ancient aztec walls, I guess they just saw them while somking opium "RIGHT GEORGE" my a.s.s!! How about releasing all the cures for diseases that are out there instead of hiding them from the American public. My best lady friend just died from cancer , lived less than thirty days once she found it out . I know once a disease reaches a certain progression its too late. There are many alternative treatments to many illnesses that aren't legal here in the States. Thats just darn wrong. When other than Ronald Reagan did a "President" die of anything other than old age???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Its time for the American Public to wake up and smell the "ROSES" Another contraversial subject stem cell reasearch ,it could very well save mankind , what the f..k is the problem here. "STUPIDITY"
Before I close let me touch on a few other issues. A fence along the border of Mexico , what a friggin joke!!! Dig a Canal 60 ft deep and a quater mile wide fill it with water stock it with alligators and parana and patrol boats. Make penalties for smuggiling in allieans death. Then you might get a handle on it. Stop sending all of our tax dollars for aid to foreign countries , fix America first. Leave John Kerry Alone for his statements , I'm sure when he looked around in the jungles of Nam he sure as he.l.l didn't see you face. You were probably in that White Your Daddy covered up when he was head of the CIA. I 'n not putting you down but I'm tired of a two headed coin. I've got seven children coming up in this great land of ours . "AMERICA" Land of the Free ,Home of the Brave. I'm just a dumb ole redneck from the country, A Shotgun a Rifle @ a Four Wheel Drive a Country Boy can Survive !! Can You?????????? Remember this when your boys hack my computer , These are my opinions , and opinions are like A.S.Holes every bodys got one but do they all stink. Face reality maybe you can save the "WORLD" It takes a much Bigger Man to admit when he's been wrong , the World will RESEPCT you for it.
(usa) "WHITFIELD"(sunny)
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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Re: Attention George Walker Bush Jr dtchdggr 11/6/2006 6:11:00 PM
Re: Attention George Walker Bush Jr mt30ys 11/6/2006 4:38:00 PM
Re: Attention George Walker Bush Jr mobiletech 11/5/2006 3:31:00 PM
Re: Attention George Walker Bush Jr mushin06 11/5/2006 12:50:00 PM