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Re: TOA/ETA system... feedback anyone?

the chargebacks are crap, i know that the mso's i worked for when i did cable frequently had 1 outlet listed in the system and only when you got there did you find out it was 12, that may be prewired, but trimming 12 outlets, making the job pretty, and convincing the customer that "yes in fact there is a charge for more than 4 outlets, not counting the modem" and wallfishes DO cost X amount only slows things down. and who's to say that the next sub isn't a no show, thus making the point of late the rest of the day pointless..........and god forbid they notify the customer and the job you are now 15 minutes into time frame for has gone back to work for a couple of hours. i'm not even sure a chargeback for the tech is legal, if you want to chargeback the prime then fine let them accept ridiculous terms to get work, but i've never ONCE been in a shop that had too many techs until the starving times had started. the mso's act like there is just an overabundance of people willing to do cable, but their inhouse techs should prove that a hard working cable guy is a rare find. i used to supervise for a prime, although it was more like i was staying up until 2:30 to route and getting up by 4:30 to process the faxed w/o's from the previous day, to proof, correct, fax to check in and then go run 7 jobs a day after waiting on confirmations and sorting through any confusion,. then debunking the days list of false or misassigned damage claims........but all that aside.........i had to tell their new up and coming suit........."have you ever worked in the field? you spend your enire day behind, then ahead, and back again, somedays you finish ahead and it's good, somedays aren't good"

bottom line is this - chargebacks for late appts, is total bull $hit. dominoes doesn't even offer free pizza for late orders anymore and it doesn't take 2 hours to make a pizza. i can't think of anyone that offers that deal outside of charter after katrina. they were doing that, but then again, we didn't even have to show up at the house, if we called and they didn't answer the job could be rescheduled.

don't accept the chargebacks. the system is actually quality technology that could improve the whole atmosphere of your day, but the mso's aren't going to use it that way. they never do. i always say this. it's a game, they want more work for less money, the primes suck it to get the contract and then stick it up yours when you are unable to live up to THEIR promises.

play the game, when the rules change for the worse cheat. that's what they do. just my two cents
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Posted in reply to: Re: TOA/ETA system... feedback anyone? by fundude101
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Re: TOA/ETA system... feedback anyone? techseven 10/15/2006 10:45:00 PM