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Re: What I've Learned/ Re: NUKE THEM


You are right. If we don't figure out, REAL FAST, who our ACTUAL enemies are, We, AS A COUNTRY, are doomed. The people who mean us harm, DON"T CARE what political party your from. Hell, they don't even really care what religion you profess. Those on the left REFUSE to get this !!! It's ALL "Bush is Hitler"

Did you ever see the movie "Saving Private Ryan" ? After they fought their way onto the beach and everything settled down. There was a guy who was attached to the squad, AFTER they had fought their way onto the beach. He was NOT a part of the original squad. I can't remember EXACTLY what he was. ( Reporter? Someone will have to refresh my memory ). But anyhow, All thru the movie, he just stood by while all of the death and destruction took place. He watched as MOST of the squad was killed. He watched as women and children were killed and homes were lost and destroyed. The whole time acting "concerned and dismayed" at what was taking place' RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS EYES !!! What set this guy off. Was it the death and destruction he had witnessed ? NOPE. Was it watching most of the guys in the squad being killed ( one of them Brutilly as he stood by and DID NOTHING) ? NOPE. What was it that set him off ??? It was when the Nazi soldier made "FUN" of him. He really didn't mind all the other stuff, But Damn it, Don't you DARE make fun of me !!! And this is pretty much what P/O's the left.

They don't really CARE about ACTUAL attrocities. They will see someone be-headed, and say "It's Bushes fault, they're nice people who are oppressed". But yet , they will go into ABSOLUTE HYSTERICS over pictures of prisoners with underwear on their heads.

They will see pictures of dead Kurds and say " Saddam didn't have WMD's". They NEVER ask "where did they go?"

You MUST understand that, there were terrorist's EVERYWHERE in the world ( INCLUDING THE USA, Look into OK city a little closer for one), EXCEPT for Iraq.

I could give MANY more examples, But they don't CARE !!!

One of the problems is, those on the left have NEVER been challenged since the 1960's. That's why they go into Hysterics, when they are confronted with an opposing view. What they "THINK" is ALL that matters, and is automatically so.

I am accussed of being a "racist, bigot, meanie" who " simply comes across so arrogant that your beliefs are the right ones and your facts are to be true and everybody else is wrong". These SAME people IGNORE, "watch", "listen", "read", "educate yourself", "learn", "look it up", "don't take my word for it", Because ALL that matters is what they THINK I'm saying. I'm a Heretic (look it up) because I would DARE to ask people to "pay attention". They DON'T argue what you DO say. They argue what they THINK you said.

Lastly, We WILL deal with ANY wrongdoing by our politicians in time, and WILL take appropriate action. Notice current events. This ultimately is the difference, and why I don't take MOST on the left seriously.

Mr.Foley is accused of e-mailing and instant messaging an under-age page with sexually explicit messages. To date he has SO-FAR, Not been accused of ACTUALLY having sex with them. He's GONE. His carreer is OVER !!! From Nixon, to Newt, to Foley. We DO git rid of our Riff- Raff.

Please name for me the Riff-Raff the left has gotten rid of.

Ted Kennedy? Well known Alcoholic, Womanizer, and at the very BEST, Swam away while a young lady sat dieing (underwater) in his car. Reward? 40 yrs in the senate.

Robert Bird? Actual member of the KKK. Reward? 40+ yrs in the senate.

Ray Nagin, and Gov. Blanco? Stood by while their state and city were destroyed by Katrina. Reward? Nagin, re-elected as mayor . Blanco? Got to stay Gov, NO punishment for deriliction of duty. Let me see. A man 2000 miles away is responsible, But those in charge 100 miles away and 2 feet away are NOT???

The point is, on the left, The motto is, "I know he's a crook, But he's MY crook". Again, Name for me ANYONE on the left, who they've gotten rid of who's been in trouble.

I will leave it at that for now. Those of you on the left who've actually read this far, I would love to have an intelligent conversation with you. I REALLY would, But if you can't go 2 sentences without "Bush Sucks", "War for oil", "Halliburton", Then don't bother.

WE GET IT !!! You think "Bush is Hitler" WE GET IT !!!

NOW WHAT ??? How do we solve our problems? How do we protect the country? How do we solve poverty, Racism ( not just "whities"), and "ILLEGAL" immigration.

One way or the other "The EVIL Bush" will be gone in 2 yrs TOPS.

THEN WHAT ?????????


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Posted in reply to: Re: What I've Learned/ Re: NUKE THEM by x Greasemonkey
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Learned?/Re:NUKE 'EM/IE:TO STUPID Against the Wind 10/6/2006 7:09:00 AM
Re: What I've Learned/ Re: NUKE THEM rhurton 10/5/2006 6:15:00 PM
Re: What I've Learned/ Re: NUKE THEM oldschoolgal 10/5/2006 3:45:00 PM