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Re: How Does the US Leave Iraq Gracefully

Let me start from from the bottom of my post and reiterate, anyone want to call me unpatriotic to my face? I'll be anticipating that reply.

Your exactly right wrf about a democratic republic. there's 3 reasons why I didn't elaborate, didn't someone say last wk how they could elaborate and they're the PC Queen? #1 i talk to someone whom I told that we are a democratic republic when he always states we are just a republic. #2 On a political blog that I read there's a donk's handle of "a republic not a democracy." And #3 I didn't think any of yous could understand 2 concepts combined at once. Actually it's a 50 state democratic republic within a democratic republic.

For the 4th time when are you going to answer the question warren, did you forget? Why porgie tire biter diverted troops from the heels of ossami, come on you can do it. And for a toss-up question and an extra 5 pts. why was he so stupid as to say that ossami wasn't such a concern? Now that's patriotic, dead or alive, don't you think? Please don't make me puke.

Objectives were accomplished in Afghanistan, I'll agree with that from what we were told.

"was up and running when we left or at the time we left" Tell me when we left Afghanistan???? hello hello, is there anybody in there? Do Do Do Do Do Do Do, Do Do Do Do Doot, Ta Doota Doota, Do Do Do Do Do Do Do... Do ta dunce ta dumb.. bum... da dumb.... ta dumb. Don't be distacted by the jeapordy jingle, when did we(American troops) leave, Question mark, Question mark?

Don't want anybody to cop a "Jones" but from my understanding
Poppy Crops are up 50% since we've kicked Talibani's asses and supposedly left According to Garp. Better get those o'lielly facts straight. w.lilys before I forget what i left out from my last post. You jackasses that say for one thing anybody that disagrees with bushcorp is unpatriotic but, I have not heard hardly anyone that disagrees with bushy and the" rabid right "claim that you dumbf*cks are not patriotic, Why Is That? I don't know maybe we at least have respect for your "Out There TV" viewing opinions.

So I haven't been in chronlogical order but 100 yrs or so doesn't really matter, does it??????????????????????. Pledge of the Allegience, tell me woolf woolf when that was constituted, 1776, 1789, 1820 I don't know I'm just guessing, maybe you'd like to elaborate???????????

We all know that it's just a slogan and euphemism government and the pied piper is playing the tune for the mice of men.

Now here's where I get a big boner. "that the country was not founded on the B.S. statement of seperation of church and state. DO YOU EVER STOP CONTRADICTING YOURSELF? here's your brilliant response to your own statement. "founded on the principle that the government would not establish a state religion". Would I be to far off the republican rim job to say establish might mean recognize. Tell me if I'm wrong but, not recognizing a religion to/of the state just might mean that the state(country) will not establish/recognize any one particular religion. While you're at it please amaze me/us with your definition of torture. You know when teenagers and even adults have admitted to murder after just giving up to 10,12,14 or 18 hrs of grilling. Just maybe that "Curveball" guy had it a little bit worse ya know, and just the opposite of chabli(sp) who got paid millions by yours/ours tax dollars and is walking free. You remember those 2 guys that bushcorp believed other than intel or defied inspectors and based the Iraqi Attacky on. And don't forget that it was preplanned and "is" documented that the benevolent(gw) made statements prior to 9/11 that he was going after saddam.

Feel free to answer when all those words are all put together forming a sentence and end with a ? especially, that 1st one.
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Posted in reply to: Re: How Does the US Leave Iraq Gracefully by warrenrf
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: How Does the US Leave Iraq Gracefully warrenrf 9/28/2006 7:08:00 PM
Re: How Does the US Leave Iraq Gracefully FiberSlasher 9/28/2006 4:00:00 PM
Re: How Does the US Leave Iraq Gracefully takaratay 9/28/2006 2:00:00 PM