I believe the whole purpose for this was for Bush to get into Iran, Iraq was just in the way, that itself was wrong however, having said that, everybody says this war was not necessary, well if you just sit back and do nothing and let the muslims have their way to build up their armies and weapons and POWER in the world hmmm.... . Stop and think about this, can you imagine? do you think it possible that in about, maybe 50 yrs or less they are taking over our government and turning America in a muslim nation? Nobody likes war and the casualties are hard to swallow, but it is sometimes necessary. I wonder if we would be communist and speaking German today if Hitler succeeded? I wish all you anti war mongers stop your ranting and bashing of bush and use your energy in supporting the men and women that do sign up to fight, and remember that they do sign up knowing the dangers, and may god love them and you should respect and support everyone of them every single second, minute , hour, day, week, month, and year that they fight for our freedom.