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Re: When the levees broke on HBO

documentary sucked as bad as farenhiet 911 it was so 1 sided poor me wo is me they had ample opp. to get out of Dodge!!!!!
And for that so called mayor/gov. oh I would love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eye (stolen from Bocephus) born and raised in Fl know all about warnings evacs etc. them dummies shoulda ran Dont blame Bush that is local Gov. Bush never called me or family or come help!!!!!!!!!!!!! my opinion dont like it oh well Wes(flipoff)(flipoff)(flipoff)(flipoff)(flipoff)(flipoff)
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Posted in reply to: Re: When the levees broke on HBO by oldschoolgal
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Re: When the levees broke on HBO IslandCableDog 9/8/2006 9:44:00 PM