What you have stated is quite true. You speak from the point of view of a suite. I don't mean to offend you, but people like yourself need to get out this industry. You brag of guys getting 60%-70% of the contract. But 70% of garbage is garbage!!
Companies like yourself who use this bogus contractor business model under bid. YOu accept BS contracts from the MSOs. You accept the crap contract and use this bogus contractor mess to try and make it look good to techs.
I asked a while back how much does a $13/hr employee who works 48hrs/ week actually cost a company. The answers from were 1000-1200. Paying contractors 1500/wk for 48hrs a work is just like them being a $15/hr employee to you. Run this BS you're talking to someone who doesn't know any better.
Oldweller, you and your kind need to go, or get some ethics. This industry needs company who values the skills its takes to survive in this industry You are not doing anyone any favors by misclassifying workers so that you can make the BS contracts you accept work. You need to leave.
The Charters and Comcasts of the business have every right to want people working in their system checked out. They have every right to demand that the companies they contract with to have control over their workforce. But they should have to pay. You accept their conditions and give it to them cheap. Then, instead of hiring employees you use the word sub because you know the 12/hr you can pay from the BS contract you accepted wont attract anyone. So you use the word sub and pay 1500/wk and give them expenses. It fools some, but not all.
Comcast requirements call for their contractors to use employees. You accept the BS contract and know you have spin the numbers so people will work for you. Thats all youre doing. Youre giving install work away for practicaly nothing. But what difference doest it make, its not your sweat.
How about accepting a contract that allows you to pay employees 20/hr. Thats what the work is worth. Stop thinking you're doing the business a favor by supplying it with 12/hr jobs. Youre NOT.
Quite frankly, YOURE THE PROBLEM!