I know because I've been there! I was convicted of Driving while impaired, because a cop said I was, by a jury of 6 people. My blood alcohol concentration was never even presented in court. As a matter of fact the prosecutor refused all my requests to even see my BAC. And yes I had a lawyer (a lousy one) at the trial, but not before that. I was pulled over because the cop claimed my tire touched the center line. I ask you to watch other drivers the next time you drive, you will see this happen ALL the time by almost every driver including cops. In the trial it was divulged that I didn't have slurred speech, was not staggering or falling over, and even passed their roadside (balance) tests, but failed the follow the finger with your eye test, which my cop buddy says they can fail anyone at any time (it is completely subjective)! I admitted to the cop that I had drank several beers earlier in the evening (big mistake) however I was watching what I drank knowing that I would most likely be driving a very drunk friend to his house. I didn't feel that I was impaired. To top it all off, the cop said I refused the chemical test (not true) which results in a mandatory 1 year license suspension in MI. The officer, who obviously didn't like me, lied under oath about the test refusal when I challenged it in the appeal process. I was ruled guilty of refusing the test by another appointed officer (gee what a surprise) without the ability to even take that matter to a court or judge based on the preponderance of evidence (my word against the cops)! That's the law in MI. Of course the cops claimed they didn't have a video of the incident (because that would of showed the truth about what went on). If you think the cops and prosecution won't destroy evidence that contradicts their desires you are wrong! They may create evidence on the fly, destroy evidence, change reports, do what ever they need to in order to help their case against you. I have seen it with my own eyes. Don't think of the prosecutor as a liaison between your self and the cops. They are against you no matter how much they smile at you. To them it is a game. To you it is your life, your future.
In short, my net worth approx 4 years ago was around $2 million (on paper). My net worth now, approx. $-100,000. Can it change your life? You bet! Do you have to be drunk, or impaired to get charged and convicted? No! I didn't even violate any driving laws. It is a very hot item with police and the public now. You tell me how may people have had a couple of drinks (I'm not talking a dozen here) and then drove a vehicle several hours later. Almost every one who drinks! That is around 100 million Americans, folks. But you are only an outcast of society if you are convicted. Beware everyone, because if you are pulled over and a cop decides he doesn't like you, and that cop wants to go to court (and he will), the cop will almost always be believed over you.
Get a GOOD lawyer THAT SPECIALIZES IN DUI, OWI, type cases ASAP. It may make a difference, but remember most lawyers only care how much money they will put in there OWN pocket, not what happens to you, because their life will continue on as normal no matter what happens to you. Trust me I know.
There is documented cases of people getting arrested for drunk driving without drinking anything at all. If you do get pulled over by a cop and you have had one or two, don't say anything at all, you don't have to say anything. A cop may act like a friend, but they are pumping you for information to USE AGAINST YOU! Better yet, don't drink and drive, it isn't worth it. That is all most cops look for now.
Today, from societies point of view, it is better to wipe out a family of 4 in an auto accident (that would be a 2 point moving violation) as long as you haven't drank any alcohol, then it is to drink a couple of beers and drive.
To sum it up. I am now banned for life from dozens of countries, branded an alcoholic by the state of Michigan, and looked down upon by most of society as a convicted criminal, despite the fact I hardly ever drank, and when I did it was rarely more then two or three beers. I've lost almost everything I have worked my whole life for. Believe me when I say this, that homeless guy with the unkempt appearance you saw could be a guy just like me. And then again, it could be me. But I will be back! And now you all know the rest of the story.
Sorry about the long post.
WmRussis, good luck and best wishes!