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Re: Time to get out of DirecTV

Your correct that was lengthy, especially when I had to copy it into MSWord, go over it word by word, sentence by sentence and correct all the spelling & format errors just to make it readable.

Why is the opinion of the HSP management irrelevant to the subject of unionizing? As managerial staff they are no eligable for representation by the union, they have no vote in whether a union is accepted or regected and commonly any opinions they do express was more often than not dictated to them by the HSP companies or the companies' anti-union law firm.

You are correct that the bottom line is money, that is what makes the world go around. But if you actually read what the pro-union posters on the Cablbar have said, you will find that they are not asking for more money but to simply keep from having their pay and benefits by the HSP's. If you feel I am wrong then I ask you to quote any pro-union posts where someone is seeking a increase in pay (over what they made before their HSP cut wages or shifted from piece rates to hourly, which in effect was also a pay cut).

So according to your line of thought, any tech who complains they are being treated badly by the HSP's when their pay is cut deserves it, because all techs who complain are in your opinion slackers who show up late, do hack work and piss off all the customers? I think you need to stop listening to those little voices in you head man.

If you think the HSP techs have it "pretty dang good" because the HSP's are now giving them trucks, tools, W/C & unemployment insurance, you are sadly mistaken. Many HSP techs I know put themselves on the hook for a reliable $10-20K truck for work. They also spent at least another $1000 on ladders, meters & tools. They relied on their wages to pay for those job related items. How would you feel if a year or two later the boss announces that your pay is being cut in half, you will have to drive a company truck filled with cheap Chinese made tools and be financially liable for anything that breaks? That is not what I (or many people) would call "having it pretty dang good".

As for one to one negotiation, well managers always love to suggest crap like that when they are trying to convince people they don't need a union to get a fair shake. BS, managers love for employees to come to them one at a time, it makes it easier to shoot down their requests. Managers always say, "we have an open door policy" when what they really meant to say was, "if you don't like it, there IS the door".

I don't expect everyone on the Cablbar to understand (especially manager & contractor types) how HSP techs could benefit from having a union to represent them. Only someone going through what I and a few others in this forum have gone through can really understand the benefits of a union. My comments about unionizing are not aimed at anyone other than HSP techs, if you are not considered an employee then my comments are not for you. As I said contractors and managers have no place in this discussion. If a manager wants to discuss unions with the techs then they need to step up and do it at tech meetings where everyone can hear and join in on the debate. But they won't do that, because their boss won't let them and they really do not care about what the employees think or want.
This is posting #161351. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Time to get out of DirecTV by sumahit
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Time to get out of DirecTV Bird Dog 2/13/2006 7:43:00 PM