What we have is people posting help wanted adds for employment , they don't have the contracts they just try to get your info so they might have a chance to make money off your blood and sweat. Never leave your house until you speak to someone on the ground where you want to go . Ask whom ever your talking to to send you a contract . Most descent employers won't even let you on their job unless they have an approved signed contract . I've sat home for 20 days now , being bullsh.tted by a wealthy man offering me the prime on a private system. Too me I've lost 20 grand just sitting here waiting. He can take prime bull and shove it. I have alot of offers from primes that I can trust . I've called buckett leasing companys for two days to find nothing available , maybe one on Friday but no promises. If anyone knows of a leasing co. that has two one tons available please pm me . As soon as I'm on the job site I'll post an add for help. The primes I've talked too still need crews, splicers and drop people. My suggestion to any one headed to work the storm damage is post an add on the bar about the co. you are going to work for. Call the system you will be working on and ask to speak to somone in charge of construction, ask them how their supplys are holding out , ask them does the contractor you are coming to work for have a good relationship with them , or are they going to catch the boot. You can get the systems phone number from the white pages of the cableyellowpages under systems by state. Do your homework before you leave home. Maybe in the next couple of mounts we can all get together and have a party on Bourbon St. in New Orleans .


I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD