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Re: Ok I came over here.

A silent hush fell across the room..............

A posting that was up for all of 10 minutes (before being pulled off the board by somebody other than the author) in reply to your unbelievably sarcastic rhetoric, daring you to show up, ----- And you saw it!!!!????? WOW! Sounds fishy but I wont question that.

Alrighty then------ Lets dance!

I am tired of the posts being put up in different sections of this forum that convey an agenda steeped in stupidity.
So here is your first lesson in reality Sonny.

Who the fuck ever said the Federal Government is responsible for giving every man woman and child a life of total bliss, free of worries?
Why the fuck do people in this country believe that we are above the forces of evil or the wrath of nature?
The President of this Country is one man. He is surrounded by a cabinet that by design, should protect him so that he can make decisions based on his sworn oath to protect this Country. When that decision to protect our freedom is challenged by people that are AFRAID to stand up for whatever reason--- then get the fuck out of the way, because you are fixing to get run over.
Here are some facts for you to think about before you open your mouth and prove to the world you would rather pick daisies than fight.
We were attacked! Our President put a plan in motion and has stuck too it. People dont like it. They got too comfortable with his predecessor that prefered to blow up aspirin factories, then, get blown in the oval office as his meritorious trophy. This President is doing something about an impending problem that is sure to manifest itself as one of the ugliest threats to our very existance. Yet the Ted Kennedy's of the World think we have overstayed our welcome. We finally have a President that will do the RIGHT thing, and people like Cindy Sheehan are held up as a representative of how all of America feels? Fuck Her! She dishonors her son.
My guess is that you know who she is.
I can also guess that you probably cannot tell me who the Director of FEMA is. Do you know why? Because he is working his ass off to save lives in New Orleans.
All the while CNN is asking--- " Why arent you doing anything? " The whole time looping video of the same punk having a Mossberg pump pointed at him. No video of the people that are eating and SURVIVING, just those that are complaining. Then I come on this forum and read where people are saying the same thing.
For Crying Out Loud! For 3 days prior to this thing hitting, they were on the television and radio SCREAMING at the tops of their lungs " GET OUT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you have a whole bunch of stupid asses that are stuck in a City that lies 12 feet BELOW sea level! And it filled up with water. Just like they said it would!
I am very cognizant that there are those that could not get out for GOOD reasons. I also know that those that Could get out and chose not to, have compromised and cascaded a problem that is beyond comprehension. When are people going to wake up and realize that WE are responsible for our own actions? There are over 1 million people that have CHOSEN to live at 12 feet below sea level. They have been screaming for over 40 years that this was going to happen. Now that it has---- somehow its the governments fault?
My home is in an area that is prone to hurricanes. When they come on the TV and tell us to prepare, I do. My neighbor chose not to. Guess who was mooching off of my provisions when he had none? It wouldnt bother me so much, except HE chose to party and get drunk rather than board up and stock supplies. That was for a Cat 1. We lost power for 5 days. No gas around. My family was taken care of because we prepared! We went out and helped those that could not help themselves. Outside of some water and some beenie weenies, my worthless neighbor received nothing from me. Because he was not willing to even help himself AFTER he was told by more than just me! He is a human sponge. But-- I digress.
We also have left town when told that would be a good idea. I hated it, it was inconvenient, but we did it! And we are still here.
As for what is happening today, the government HAS reacted. The stupid mother fuckers are shooting at them! Come On!
Its going to come down to martial law. Man up and deal with it.

You boys over there on "the other side of the track" come on in and stay for a while. I'm just getting warmed up. In this part of the Bar, the beer flows freely and there are plenty of us standing at the ready to drop trow and see who can piss the furthest!

Lesson complete for the day. Come back tomorrow for round 2!
This is posting #151846. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Ok I came over here. by cableho
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Ok I came over here. cableho 9/2/2005 9:46:00 AM