A managers starting salary will be based on the project size, number of employees being managed and the type of work and skill sets requires. From there a managers salary will change based on performance and profitability. If a new manager runs his or her project well and makes the projected profit margin for that job then they are doing there job and earning the salary they hired on for. They should get a raise each year for there loyalty and consistent performance.
A manager that runs his or her project beyond expectations, generating additional revenue deserves an additional increase to there pay based on the amount of the additional earnings. And a manager that runs his or her project beyond expectations, generating additional and also generates new business should be compensated based on there ability to increase revenue.
As far as starting salary for new hires I always liked the good old number system.
1. 10,000.00’s New in house installer & service employee should earn
2. 20,000.00’s Experienced in house & service employee should earn
3. 30,000.00’s Experienced advanced technical employee and New QC staff should earn
4. 40,000.00’s Experienced QC staff and New Field Coordinator should earn
5. 50,000.00’s Experienced Field Coordinator New Project Manager
6. 60,000.00’s Experienced Project Manager New Regional Manager
7. 70,000.00’s Experienced Regional Manager
These are a good starting salary until the employee can show you his or her earning potential, Then let there productivity and earning potential drive what they make. The day of starting some ones brother or friend out at three digit salaries for field management positions should be a thing of the past, Start someone new out at a respectable salary and let them show you what they can do for you from there. That’s what 90day and end of year reviews are all about.
Well at least that my opinion.
Re: Manager Compensation
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