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Re: Would you GO AGAIN loll

I do apologize if this message intrudes at the wrong part or idea. It was just next on the list, and seemed to issue a question.

Rationality is still a term 'undertimed'. 'Victom' is definened for what happened to the good people that helped during and after the disaster of the hurricanes with Mastec.
Your curoius nature and apperent scholar for asking intellignetly what is whimsically true do not impress me.

Your candor is lost by this.
We as a group, suffered with and because of the loss of all things, impoverished telivision. Your isometric angle can probably appreciate this in either way.

As a group promised good tidings, we starved with the masses that we attended help towards. We, as a group of caring people were driven relentlessly to provide such a simple and small pleasure-granted by hugs and praise mostly. I could never imagine a better or finer group of people that helped with the operation, but I saw a grown man cry because he could not afford his way back home to Utah when I rocked the money boat to Mastec.

Nobody did it for free either, Scarecrow. The men and women that came down were as at much harm and risk as the ones that they were making feel more comfortable, the people in home-or what was left of that.

This was a state of emergency. But Greenpeace or Salvation Armies-of good devotion of course-could NOT have done the job our team did. Your obstetrics towards this seem qualified-good will and all-but I know 45+ people that gave up life and liberty at home to DO good for what they believed in. Unpaid STILL all of the way from the company-I guarantee that they feel good for thier cause. Mastec just wanted the bragging rights.

Please go be psuedo-intelligent towards a different and less provacative subject. There are a LOT of hurt people on this interest that lost more than blood and money and callous hands. A lot of people that really cared and you have no Idea.

Thank You,

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Posted in reply to: Re: Would you GO AGAIN loll by scarecrow
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Would you GO AGAIN loll warfin 5/19/2005 7:26:00 AM
Re: Would you GO AGAIN loll scarecrow 5/18/2005 10:49:00 AM