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Can any of you of some knowledge help me on my quest.

I have been been asked to do a "look into" for an apartment building that wishes to have DTV for thier tennants.

The building, built in the 40's-had been gutted and re-done as some kind of hip and down townish residence in '99.
TW has one lock box for each floor- four in total. Each of these, apparently-is excluded to the cable companies own and personal rights for the cabling in the building under a grandfather clause. I have talked to some people more into the commercial business than I and have been told that there is a fine line between who owns the wires and who ownes the rights to them-easement laws and ownership rights-attorney this and that.
(As well, I want to integrate a camera system to thier cable so that the tennant can literally see who is at the gate.)
For those of you who can write back and tell me the straight poop on the matter I really appreciate your time into my quest.
For the vested interest of my client-what leg can they stand on for thier needs? any clue?
Regards to all of you.
This is posting #131474. Tiny Link:
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: Ramifications B.HOLLYWOOD 6/1/2004 6:42:00 PM
Re: Ramifications cbltek1 6/1/2004 11:24:00 AM
Re: Ramifications joeatstellar 6/1/2004 10:20:00 AM
Re: Ramifications joeatstellar 6/1/2004 9:56:00 AM
Re: Ramifications apc1 5/31/2004 11:27:00 AM