Greetings Mr. Cheese,
The previous post was inquiring the likely-hood of doing away with {click for e-mail} and I thought perhaps, due to the long winded writ, possibly over-elaboration of a simple question resulted in no response. I understand control of information and I will not bespeak any who do, however, I wish to have some of the information you now seem privvy to. I am asking if this will change and soon we will, again see the e-mail addy's of those who post...Or, by upgrading my Membership will I have direct access to the e-mail addy's...Or, is this where it has to be to better ensure the residual income ...
Are we ever going to have e-mail addy's available to us?
Will all of the Member's e-mail messages continue to be routed through your servers?
Is this in any way, shape, and/or form part of the Homeland Security Patriot Act, part III?
Thank you , Mr Big Cheese, for hearing the words of a humble follower. Please, answer at your convenience.
Walk in Silence.
Respectfully, PeterGunn.