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Re: Need info from (real) old timers

I started in the late 70's and towns were just getting cable for the first time and there was a big need for people.
Now with every town in the US that has cable most have been upgraded.
I think cable had its big boom and it is over(sad). I don't see it ever being as it was.All I see now is a bunch of guy's who invested alot of time and effort into a field that is slowly dying.
I do see a need for major cable replacement across the country in a few years as the stuff reaches life expectancy. The way these MSO's work it will be overtrashed and elecronics will be swapped and will have to be done node by node in one day.
They have pretty much stopped direct bury of cable and are installing pipe for ease of cable replacement.
The information super highway is almost all done. I beleive your MAJOR constuction across the country is finished.
There will be some jobs pop up here and there plant extensions and such, but with the glut of experianced people it will drive the prices in the dirt and we are seeing just the beginning of it now.
If you are young it is my suggestion you get out and get something local and be with your family. There may be a few bucks to be made out there, but it is MY belief you can lead a happier stress free life in a different field.
If your single and don't mind a hobo's life it might work for you.
My.02 worth
Good luck(smile)

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Posted in reply to: Need info from (real) old timers by CABLE PHILOSOPHER
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Need info from (real) old timers Tweeker 6/1/2003 12:55:00 PM