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Re: Satellite Installers Union Needed !!

It's the retailers dropping the prices they pay to install. The retailer's take on small dishes has been about the same for a number of years and has actually risen in the last few. If the dish retailers would be happy with incentives like: co-op advertising and residuals from sales and not try to take every penny the can from the commissions by short changing their installers, they would end up with a better product from a higher quality installation; fewer customer complaints, fewer cancellations and service calls. I don't think a union is the answer, unions breed complacency and dogmatism.

This is posting #103921. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Satellite Installers Union Needed !! by Knudsen
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Re: Satellite Installers Union Needed !! Knudsen 4/15/2003 1:13:00 PM