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Satellite Installers Union Needed !!

Are you a contractor or a technician of the Satellite Industry? Are you tired of unfare practices, price fixing, and Hack Installers taking the food out of your families mouth? Then you need to read what I have to say.

Hi my name is Jonathan Knudsen I am an owner of a Satellite Installation Company in the Western Tier of New York State. I have been in the civilian Satellite Industry for 6 years now. And have spent a total of 10 years in the Satellite field including the time I spent in the US Army as a Sat Com Technician. I am also a FSS4 Echostar Communications master technician and Commercial Designer.

Sense Echostar came on the market some 7 years ago, I have gone from making a very nice living. To the point that now I really wish I had not wasted my time in the DSS Industry. In the past 6 years I have seen this industry fall apart from the outside and make it's money off the backs of you and I the Satellite Business owner and or Technician. I have watched this business go from one of value to Charlie Eargen taking all value out of our industry. You can not keep giving everything away for free, before people just get in there heads that there is no value in the technology or the people who work with it.

And over the course of those 6 years, I have also seen Dish Network and Direct TV continue to drop the price paid to the technician for the work they perform. They have started to do price fixing on there equipment to stop you the Dealer from making money and have also started giving away the house to there customers to stop the Technician from making any money. It has come to the point were now the only ones making a good living at this are the huge dealers that do such big numbers they just don't care about it and Charlie himself.

Now because companies can not afford to hire a real qualified technician, they hire HACKS. And because you can get some joker to go out and put up satellite equipment for $50.00 a job or $60.00 a job and get him to pay for all the materials. Then there is no need to hire technician that will not put out the crap that these hacks are. And on top of that Dish Network doesn't care about you the technician because there are a hored of other hacks out there that will come and taking your job and business away in a heart beat.

When will we see as technician'S and business owners that these kind of practices need to stop. And they need to stop now before we can no longer provide for our families a good home and food on the table. We need to try and work together to bring about change in our industry for the better. It only gets worse every year they take more money out of yours and my pocket so they can then get richer off our hard sweat and labor. The same thing has happened in several industries over the past 100 years and it is just time for ours to do the same. We need a voice that will shout out "WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS ANY MORE!! WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS AS PROFESSIONALS! WE WILL NOT LET YOU STARVE US OUT OF A JOB! AND WE WILL NOT TAKE HACKS IN OUR INDUSTRY!

If we do not band together to make a diffrence now then there will be no job left for the professional technician. And I don't know about you but I have spent the majority of my life in this industry I don't want to have to learn something new. We can keep our business's and our homes and keep our children feed people, but we have to fight for it and start the fight now before it is to late. Before they have weeded out all those that care about what is happening to us all.

ONE MAN'S VOICE RISEING UP ABOVE THE CROWED CAN MAKE A DIFFRENCE!! IF THAT VOICE IS SPEAKING TRUTH!! But to bring about change we need to stand together as one voice one heart speaking out against what is wrong.

I am trying to form a Satellite Installers Union in the state of New York. We have to start some were and there is no better time then now. If you live in New York State and are a technician our a Satellite Business owner then please contact me. I am trying to get Congress Women Slaughter to hear our plee for change, but in order to do that we need bodies. They need to see that we care about what happens to our homes and families. Other wise all is lost and they have won and we should just go find something else to do. But I will not go quitely, OH they would like to see me go quitely! I will stand and fight no matter the cost no matter how long. The Time is NOW!!


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There are 5 replies to this message
Re: Satellite Installers Union Needed !! KCcableRAT 4/16/2003 4:43:00 PM
Re: Satellite Installers Union Needed !! Sledhead3 4/16/2003 7:07:00 AM
Re: Satellite Installers Union Needed !! SWeePTeK 4/14/2003 7:42:00 PM
Re: Satellite Installers Union Needed !! adamstrav 4/14/2003 9:59:00 AM
Re: Satellite Installers Union Needed !! Wife of a cable guy 4/13/2003 7:34:00 AM