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Wet Cement
Gigged for what??? clean up, no signs? no cones?, splicing with a hack saw?, (seen this gigged by Media One) I'll tell ya a little trick, gig your self,,, when I finish a pole I look down on the other side of the street where I know that QC guy is going to be sitting in his truck in a couple days and then I draw an imaginary line from that point of view up to my work, then I boom down into that line of view and I take a look at my work, I tweek my work from that line, not from being on the pole, when you come down walk across the street and look at it,, prefect, this is the ONLY angle your work will ever be QC'ed from so why not tweek it to this vantage point.
What do you call a lineman with out a girl friend?
I'm going to have to start asking these questions 1 at a time, AML? anyone? hell these things used to be all over the place, there were 5 in Macon Ga, and the other part of the question is what are they used for?
a cabledogs wife
THIS IS FOR SWAMPKID AND SWAMPKIDS EX...GET OVER IT SWAMPKIDS EX. My husband and I were seperated a long time ago and the thing that bugged me the most and made me not want to get back together with him. Was him constantly telling me he loved me and begging me back and also the manipulation of visitation of our child. Our daughter lived with me but he liked to play games about when he was going to take her to get back at me. SWAMPKIDS EX you are doing the same thing! You are not truly afraid of him running with her because you know he would have a difficult time doing the line of work he is in if he a a full-time 3 year old. He doesnt want you to make your kid pay for it. Maybe if you let him take his kid like he should be able to and if you stop harassing him constantly about your love he might begin to see you in a different light and your relationship will have a chance. Swampkid PAY YOUR CHILDSUPPORT, friend of the court is going to kill you with the back childsupport otherwise. Just make sure you always get a receipt! FINALLY swampkids ex you dont belong on the cable bar! This is swampkids line of work, if you want your childsupport then dont mess up swampkids chances of making it. THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO BE AIRING ALL SWAMPKIDS AND YOUR DIRTY LAUNDRY! Stay out of here SWAMPKIDS EX!!!!!!
Hey cabledog's wife I think you got confused by no means do I want Swampkid back!!!! I know a good situation when I see it. Like I said a long time ago I only came on here to find him not ruin his reputation otherwise I'd be talking about his work ethics not his personal life. Not only that but you do realize he brought his personal business here not me. I said along time ago that this did not belong on a cable site and you are right I do not belong on this site. As far as him taking my child you have to know the person before you can make that statement!! I had the fear of him taking her put in me by his family!! To answer your question Brett,Swampkid will not mind at all.
a cabledogs wife
Swampkids you any longer have anything to do with cable except for the bill you receive every month from your local cable you dont...all you do on here is air things about your previous relationship that is no ones buisness but your own! So until you have some usefull cable information for the hard working cable guys of this site. Stay off of here. And dont lie all someone has to do is go back SEVERAL pages and they can read all your whining about how much you loved and still love him and how he kicked you out. GET OVER IT! Whine to your friends and family. This site is for cable!
hey cable dykes wife....she can say whatever the fuck she wants in here, or dont u read? who made u the cable police. u never said anything here before so why u running ur mouth now? i guess U finally found something interesting to comment about...tho no one gives a tinkers damn. so what exactly are u gonna do if she says something else? well the way i see it...not a damn thing so shut the fuck up. hey ex...i'm sorry he was such a bum, i'm sure u will be fine cause there are good men out there and some of em are indeed cable dawgs. dont know what kind he is but i'm sure he does his best...very easy to hide a kid when you're moving all over the country so i must concur and agree with you on the visitation thing. good luck and all will be well.
hey sounds like ur admirer is your bums cow of the week so pay her no mind. lol
a cabledogs wife
kelly since its ok with you to have a pissed off woman on here airing all someones personal buisness on a site that could very well help him put food on his table. I hope that if things dont work out with your woman, she does the same to you. Maybe when you dont get a job because of it you will understand that it doesnt belong here!
Thank You Kelly, I'm glad someone understands. You gave the exact reason which is how can I find her when he is in a different state and city every month!!