Scott McMahan
Harry I tried to call you today. Randy said you wanted to talk to me. I give you another call tommorow.
Scott McMahan
Yes I know Harry I can't spell. Ha. Ha. My grammer is not good either.
Tony Fiorella
Scott, are you staying warm? Where are you located these days. Close enough for a round of golf? Call me. I'm sure you have the corporate office number.
Scott McMahan
Tony how have been? Is Florida your home now? Must be nice. Here lately I have been so busy driving I don't remember what golf even is anymore. I'll give you a call sometime. Take care and stay out of the sun.
Tony Fiorella
Scott, was pulled backinto corporate office last November. Actually have a life now. Felt strange sleeping in my own bed. Sitting own my own furniture. Call me, maybe we can hook up on the road for that golf game, clubs always in back sit. Stay warm and dry.
Tony Fiorella
Don,was great talking to you today. Phones always more personal then message boards. Let me know on the work, you can have as much as you can handle.
harry jett
Scott M....sorry I missed the call, will be in
TN Thursday901-###-#### will work, keep trying
story is the same, I need and chat
Jim Davis
Scott McMahan - Give me a call303-###-#### or214-###-####
Randy Furlong
Harry J. I'm back in Jackson. We are shaking the bushes down here maybe we will get something. I'll give you a call as soon as I can get still for a second.
Tony Fiorella
Scott M., are you looking for more work in the south? Your men in Pompano are doing an excellent job, have any more avaiable? Same scope of work different location?