Cable Man
Hey cable guys and ladies- have a great summer!
Chuck Davis
Just got out of the shower where I noticed that the hot water knob is a bug nut and the cold water knob is a weaver clamp . Only a cable guy would do this .
Michael Welchman
hello, ca any of you cable junkies tell me how to get to a cable chat?????!!!!!thanks
Danny Winterbottom
Is there a web site similar to this for phone guys?
kelley & Dennis
I have a question for ALL the CABLE people out there.... DO ALL THE GUYS IN THE CABLE BUSINESS SMOKE DOPE....????? Cause it sure seems that way around here........ ~ K ~
Not in my crews. If I smell any funny they're
gone! Key Broadband Services.
Tim G
Kelley - you are in Iowa - that says it all right there about sokin pot! You have to do so in order to deal with the shit job! Tell Dennis "HEY!" ~~DJ
To all that new him he was a very good friend and a damm good cable-dawg. We will always remember the shortster.
steve wolter
THE message from H C Boler on 3/7/99 was from S L WOLTER , OLDMAN @MAQS.COM
kelley & Dennis
Tim, I do understand that all right, and it's not getting any better here either....BUT...hint hint..piss test coming here in September for the company...UH OH...Dennis is doing well,and we are doing well..Hope all is going good for you and DJ..MISS YOU TWO....take care both of you...Kelley