Tim Garrison
Looking for leads.
Tim G
Hey Keley and Dennis ... hope life in the cable world is treating you well ... will be there Friday night ... "IM" Dj when you get a chance.. our love to you both... DJ and Tim
Joey Northup
This page is kewl and helpful
Joey Northup
new e-mail getjoey@*****.com
Ronnie Rivers
Looking for Allan Chase....in the Atlanta area splicing...used to work for Comcast in W.Palm Beach then went contracting....has a brother Billy Chase...let me know...
Norman Cheatham
Norman Cheatham (not Ronnie Rivers) looking for Allan Chase in the Atlanta Area
Norman Cheatham
If Comcast bought Media One and then traded West Palm for Fort Meyers would they keep Bartow Sebring systems?????
Hi.I just published new website address is http://home.earthlink.net/~cableshop
Please visit and let me know if there is anything I can add to better serve people
Thank you .....K.C.
Tim G
Kelley and Dennis .... nice chattin' with ya'll last night ... need anything let DJ know ... she will see ya sometime Saturday ... Take care ... DJ & Tim
White noise is a very broad band ( 1MHz to 2GHz typical ) signal. It is often very flat throughout it's bandwidth.
White noise is used as an extremely quick and easy method to sweep conventional and state -
of the art cable TV systems.
This usage of white noise was originaly patented by my dear and beloved father ( a legendary early cable pioneer and manufacturer)