too true, I was doing installs today and have 2 jobs pending, one re-wiring a house into a smarthouse,and one networking, it IS a good way to go.
> ...EMI = electro magnetic interference...the effects might actually be less pronounced on cable (video) than they would be on data and that could be far more critical, especially in a network type situation. Think of how often you have read "avoid close proximity to electrical devices."
> This is definitely an area of potential growth where one can expect a fair rate of return for labor expended. Some of the big MSOs are starting to offer CAT5 (or better) prewiring in addition to standard coaxial to new home construction customers who commit to eventual installation. You might just find that working independently from them is the better financial decision due to their disturbing tendency toward cheapness.. Or perhaps you could find a Prime who will allow you to moonlight on your own. As an example I just paid $3,400 for an individual to prewire my 3,500+ square foot home and am very happy with the results. My guesstimate of total outlets is 28 to 30, but each has both CAT5 and RG6 run to it, and about two-thirds were run through 2" PVC pipe which I had him install so that I could later pull speaker wire through to various locations. That price included all CAT5 wiring, RG6 wiring, outlet box covers, interface panels, PVC pipe and enough speaker wire to hardwire 10 preinstalled ceiling speakers (his labor for running the speaker wire was also inclusive) to two separate source locations. If I had utilized any of several formal local options (regular security wiring or high end stereo companies) my cost would easily have been half again as much. But for less than a $1.00 per square foot my house is wired to the hilt!!! A great value for me as a customer and Craig was able to moonlight from his regular job over a period of several weeks, on a somewhat intermittent basis, and make a few extra bucks for his vacation (he is presently soaking up the sunshine with his girlfriend in Cancun).
> > Not to sound dumb, but I have never done any pre wire before and am kind of curious as to what EMI stands for and what kind of effects it has on CAT5.

> >
> > > I charge business $75.00 a drop for CAT5 on New Constuction and 150.00 Drop on a finished buisiness. For phone I charge 35.00 for New Constuction and 75.00 on a finished buisness. and RG6 OR RG59 I chagre the same as the phone Prices. The reason I chage more for CAT5 being used on a Network is because I try to maintain a 16 inches from all electrical wires and if I have to cross any electrical lines I make sure they are crossing at a 90. angle. By doing this you make sure you do not get EMI on your Cat5.
> > >
> > > > Does any have current prewire prices (houses, mdus). I haven't done any in 10 years (15?). RG6 quad shield, cat5, phone and maybe fiber. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance to all serious responses.