> I charge business $75.00 a drop for CAT5 on New Constuction and 150.00 Drop on a finished buisiness. For phone I charge 35.00 for New Constuction and 75.00 on a finished buisness. and RG6 OR RG59 I chagre the same as the phone Prices. The reason I chage more for CAT5 being used on a Network is because I try to maintain a 16 inches from all electrical wires and if I have to cross any electrical lines I make sure they are crossing at a 90. angle. By doing this you make sure you do not get EMI on your Cat5.
> > Does any have current prewire prices (houses, mdus). I haven't done any in 10 years (15?). RG6 quad shield, cat5, phone and maybe fiber. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance to all serious responses.