> Your close to the right answer Old Man but not Quite right. It's known as Melanism Its a LACK of gentic cells that produce Melanin a chemical responsible for color in animals.
> Albinos have none Piebalds have a few cells. Here in Ohio they say maybe 5 Piebalds a year are taken out of the 120,000 deer harvested and they seem to be mostly Does. That I would say makes them fairly rare. How about where your from are they any around your area?
> > Could be old man...wouldn't be the first time I've had smoke blown my way. I'm not a deer hunter, but the ol' boys who told me that get pretty serious about deer season...but I can handle the fools hat for a day.

> >
> > > Someone is blowing smoke up your ass xmod, its a whitetail that has inferior genes. Just like an albino deer has inferior pigmentation genes that cause the albino effect in all animals. You get the fools hat today.

> > >
> > > > I know there are a few of these in western Kentucky....I'm told it's a cross of whitetail and fallow (which is sort of cream colored deer).
> > > >
> > > > > How many of ya dogs ever seen one of these?

> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.cafeshops.com/WhitetailDeer