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Re: What a crock

Deal, I dont know you, and I am not picking on you. Just voicing my opinion on this unfortunate subject, in which you are the example. What is a long time, as you say? If he lied, you should have seen this flaw in his character. We can be with someone for years, and not know them if we keep our eyes shut because they are beautiful, or handsome, or cool. All I am saying is that when we play the game of russian roulette having unprotected sex, know your partner first, and the consequences. Don't blame it on society for your unlucky bad choice. Take responsibility for your actions, as I agree he should. Be thankful your bad choice didnt kill you (AIDS), and get to know the next man in your life before you jump into something else. Society is not to blame for this, NO one likes to see deadbeat dads and moms. We pay for it in tax dollars, in law enforcement (crimes are caused more by children of broken homes then ANY other reason), and I couldn't even begin to count the times I've taken a friend of my sons to a ballgame, amusement park, or fishing, because their parent didnt have the time for them or care. If women (and men) would make better choices, this wouldnt happen.

> Wait a minute- I know many children are concieved on "one night stands". However, I dated Damian for a long time- he lied and decieved, not only to me but his poor wife. We cant make an informed decision about someone if they are not truthful.
> > Too many people (men and women) are having children that have NO right having them. Choose you partners (mates) carefully, Just because someone is attractive is no reason to sleep with them, learn about them, are they responsible people, mature, kind to others and you. Are they happy with themselves, have goals. These questions take many many months to answer, not one night stands or a couple weeks. Take control of your own life, after all, this is the only thing we can control, our own actions and choices. Too many are wreckless enough to throw caution to the wind and sleep with someone with NO protection. Why should society take responsibility for this? It was your own fault, you made the choice, now deal with the result. You should have seen this Damian was nothing more then a party boy and stayed clear of him. It does sicken me to see the neglected children around, they are the ones who suffer for the bad choices of their mothers and fathers (if you can call them that). Grow up, make better choices for yourself and your child, and good luck, for their sake.
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Posted in reply to: Re: What a crock by mtgdealforu2
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Re: What a crock mtgdealforu2 11/18/2002 4:18:00 PM