Re: Does no one care about the children??
Member #: 16660
Registered: 1996-2001
DAZ Enterprises
On top of the hill in Forestville (NY).
Very well put, PeterGunn.....you've covered all bases and I agree with you 100% about not bashing the father....my case was not as this, but I was lucky after my divorce with 2 young children to find a man who was crazy about me and my kids....it was he who told me to bite my tongue rather than say things out of hurt and bitterness when it pertained to my ex. The only ones who suffer in that instance are the children...and children need to remain innocent as long as they can because reality at such a young age can make them angry young people as they grow - what is that saying? Children learn what they live, or live what they learn? Can't remember which way it goes, but either is appropriate....Anyway, your words of wisdom hopefully will help this woman put the past behind her so she can focus on her daughter and their future...

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Posted in reply to: Re: Does no one care about the children?? by Petergunn
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