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Okay...this is getting ridiculous. I can't believe that there has actually been this many replies to an ad that really is nothing but a bunch of name calling. For the love of god...shut the f*** up. With as many problems there are in cable these days, the last thing i care about or even want to read about here is who's a "real lineman" and who isn't.
I know times are hard...i'm feeling it as much as anyone else.
And, to the best of my knowledge, all the bitching and maoning in here isn't helping a damn thing. Take that energy and do something positive....

> Calm down people (you know which I am writing of). If something like this gets your panties in a wad, just check out some of the power lineman's bulletin boards. The guys there get their egos enflamed if anybody that isn't past power lineman apprentice tries to call themselves a lineman, including any cable or telephone workers. Since cable doesn't have true apprentice and journeyman classifications, some people are called linemen who can only do coax and/or strand. Not a lineman myself, but know that just because you can lay coax doesn't mean that you can string fiber. Some lineman only string coax, and with their years of experience and quality of their work still deserve the title lineman IMO. Any person that works hard and does quality work deserves respect, whether they string coax, beat ground rods, or clean toilets. I think when they said fiber lineman they meant lineman with plenty of fiber experience...they're just looking for a worker, and surely not concerned with someone getting upset over a petty linguistic disagreement.
This is posting #88348. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: TO FREAK OF THE WEAK of mind by CABLE PHILOSOPHER
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