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Re: Can anyone BE this stupid???????????

cdnsplicer, you appear to be the stupid twit here (I normally don't resort to childish name-calling, but I'll play your game). Yet another Democrat who tries to push their false point without a single fact stated. Please explain to me with facts how Enron is your President's alter ego. Until then, I'll go with the ACTUAL FACTS that Enron did contribute to Slick Willey and stayed at his house. I'm not even saying that its 'ol Bill's fault that Enron was cooking the books(cause you see, my truth-challenged friend, that would be a lie without facts to back it up). I'm just saying that this has been happening for years and can in no way be pushed on Bush.
This is posting #83473. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Can anyone BE this stupid??????????? by cdnsplicer
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Re: Can anyone BE this stupid??????????? cdnsplicer 9/16/2002 11:01:00 PM