> FrankComm:
> You are true this is a site for Professionals posting for contract work.Contract work MEANS contract prices.In order to be a contractor you have curtain expenses which can not be met with the prices given on this contract site.
> However this is my attempt to stop the unprofessional prices that are being posted.Since these unprofessionals do not read the other topics in this site I posted here.
> With these prices you get HACKS...Bottom line And it is affecting us all(I can also see from the responses that I am not the only one who feels this way). Are you not A Contractor who had some work in Arizona awhile back?If not please forgive me.Thank you for your words though.

> > Just like to put my two cents in.This site is for contract
> > Jobs NOT Bitching!You should direct your Opinions to the
> > proper site like any real professional.
> >
> > > You would not ask a Plumber,Electrian,Physician or any other professional to work for minimum wage,So why are all these people seeking contractors to work for nothing.
> > > It is an insult to be asked to do upgrade splicing for anything under 30 cents a foot and new for under 20.MINIMUM!
> > > You people who post such non-sense,I am writing down your names and companies in my little black book of unprofessionals and passing the info on.
> > > Any self respecting contractor could never work for you.We have families,Truck payments,Fuel,Insurance,Cell phone bills,Food and lodging expenses and could never work for these prices.
> > > So you get some drunkin hack to attempt to splice.Loose screws,suck-outs,Phantom footage,not spliced to design as well as looking like crap.You are giving us all a bad rep in the business.
> > > 60% of my work is cleaning up after you IDIOTS.
> > > So keep on posting(Professional Splicers Needed ASAP)Cause when we call and you give us those prices that are a joke,We will ALL know WHO the real joke is.