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Re: Talking of Unions...

well, petey,sounds like those 35 years have mostly been in house! ever had headhunters call you talking up the
world about how it is, kiss the family good-bye, get
about athousand miles from home and have the a--bites
tell you when you get there that ain't the way it is
but we got plenty of work? we build systems and when it's done you move on, wherever that happens to be. ever here
of collusion among primes to keep the guys doing the
work in line. plenty of work for all involved but don't
hire this guy if he quits me for 30 days and i'll do the same for you. a multi-billion dollar industry and more tyhan half
the folks building that industry live from pay check to pay
check keeping in mind that three years of work can turn in to three months or even three weeks with a whole lot of down time.time. are unions the answer? don't know ! 25 years of this game and holding my breath every time i'm on the road
waiting to see whqat kind of crook's you'll be dealing
with at the end of the line. families lookin' at you like
your some kind of fool that puts up with these assbites.
when workm is good,don't get happy,cause tomorrow you
can count on it not being there. anyway them's my thoughts.
think a little bit about that!
adios amigos(eww)
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Posted in reply to: Talking of Unions... by Petergunn
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Talking of Dipsticks Petergunn 6/22/2002 4:03:00 AM