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Interested in a Union, Time to Step Up, Be Counted

Cable dogs, I've been working on this for a while now.
I think it's finally time! What you'll see over the next
six months will be the most drastic change in this
business since color.
Here's the deal;
Stage 1:
Survey the country, get an idea of how many men and
woman are willing to join.
Stage 2:
Unite the parties under a union contract containing
universal beliefs and standards.
Stage 3:
Unite the shops. The first truly great accomplishment.
With the unionizing of the shops comes the power to
change the system.
Stage 3:
Creating contracts with the providers for set national
rates, and union work rights. It is this that will
ensure workers are paid enough to live, receive medical attention, and retire with a fund. What it will
for the providers is grantee quality workers, approved
by the union. It will give them a list of contractors
willing to work at the set rates, and it will give
them the ability to finally achieve national rates.
It will be to the advantage of both the providers,
and the contractors.

It is time to begin stage one. This will last from
three to five months. Our plan is to begin stage two
in January of 2003.

So as stage one explains, we need to get an idea
how many men are interested, and what they can do.
The contractors they work for now, and the area they
live in. We are putting the database on-line for
entry with in the next three weeks. All information
is confidential, and will not be sold, or shared.
This is to determine our numbers and regions of
strength. By logging on to this site you will
NOT be agreeing to anything other than an interest.
When this phase is done, every one will be contacted,
and given a choice to unite, or continue on in
the fashion we have become accustomed to. The site will
be accessible via the internet. You will just have to
type in the URL and it will bring you to an easy to
use entry site. You simply fill in the blanks,
and then when you're finished, hit done.

I will tell everyone the URL when it is completed.
I will tell you on this site. Get the word out now.
The faster we all get entered, the faster it will all begin.

Just look for the handle
This is posting #75436. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Interested in a Union, Time to Step Up, Be Cou lonestargod 6/19/2002 3:11:00 PM
Re: Interested in a Union, Time to Step Up, Be Cou splicer1365 6/19/2002 2:59:00 PM
Re: Interested in a Union, Time to Step Up, Be Cou CABLEDAWG2K 6/19/2002 1:30:00 PM