Great eye. I guess you really smoked this snake out into the open so all can see what he really is, another wannabe mapper looking to profit off of someone elses hard work.

J Moyer
Cable Connectors
> Walkingman and mapperguy same guy IP does not lie. Something stinks
> > Give the guy (or girl) a break! From the response that you and Mapzz have posted, I can only conclude that either you are awash in work, and aren't interested in this job (if that's the case, are you looking for help? I need the work, and am a fast, accurate mapper), or have nothing at all but time on your hands, to write such creative prose ( I suspect the latter, since at least one of you is selling fairly expensive gear, that is prominently featured on your web site, to raise cash). Would you be able to quote a price based upon the amount of information given, or would you have additional questions that you'd like answered first? I sure did, and I contacted him with questions, got intelligent, responsive answers, and have now placed a bid on the job.
> >
> > The days of a fielder getting $200/mile for walkout are gone, folks, and they're never coming back. To succeed, you've got to be lean and mean. I've worked jobs where at $50.00/mile I made great money, and others where I didn't make squat at $200/mile. Don't disparage someone else's pricing, without even knowing what the price is and what the job entails.
> >
> > With the current state of depression in the industry, and the almost total lack of work out there for mapping and design jobs, would you be willing to post enough details of an available job in a public forum for anyone to try to steal the job? Or would you first want to know something about the person you're dealing with, before you give details such as location and prices? All he's asking for, if you are interested in the job, is the price you want and a reference- something I hardly think is unreasonable. All it costs you is about 5 minutes of time to either comply and have a chance at the job, or ask questions if you're not yet comfortable with providing the info.
> >
> > Only someone who would seriously consider such tactics would even think to accuse someone you don't even know of the things that you are implying, which is exactly the reason to be cautious in a forum such as this.
> >
> > Again, if you're swimming in work, I sure could use some.
> >
> >