> If you haven't worked since dec it's your own damned fault. There is plenty of work out there. Granted, it only pays less than half of what it did 2yrs ago, and maybe it's not the kind of work you're accustomed to or would like to do, but there is work out there!
> Over the last year and a half Iv'e had to resort to installs,post-wires,lockboxes, hand digging, and sales. Even with all that, I still had my 2001 Dodge quad cab reposessed 3 weeks ago. But Iv'e still got my house,another truck, and my tools.
> BUT I DIDN'T SIT ON MY ASS WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO BREAK! If I had, I would've lost everything by now.
> Now I've done what I thought I would never do, I took an in-house job.
> Yes, times are hard, but I for one, refuse to be whooped!
