I've not been paid in over a month, if we don't get tis squared away soon I' be removing the enclosures, splices, straps and spacers etc..( you get the picture)And according to the local laws I can do so. And this is a retro job,no light means no Rf either.
So your prime tells me it's your fault,I don't care who's to blame. I refuse to work for nothing and will do what I say.I didn't drop the ball here, I just didn't get paid! All fibers have been tested and the results turned over (your copy) so why didn't I get paid?
If this interests anyone that fix this post message here. But act quickly people reaaly do like their cable on and operating properly. And you should respond ASAP. I'm not going to wait on my money much longer.
I'm not divulgeing the prime on purpose, if you need details then post your # and I'll call you. I really don't want to burn a bridge, I just want my money !!!