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Re: Looking for information?......... Here's some back: you're a LIAR!

Now THAT WAS FUNNY!(roll) But, if your going to WASTE time and should get the GOSSIPP straight!
I'm not ashamed of my past!
Here is for EVERYONE to read the TRUTH!

Mother was married approx. 7 times!
I was abused physicly, mentally and sexually!
I spent all my childhood life in either a Foster Home, Boy's Home, Boy's Ranch, Jail, Boy's Institutions!
Yes, I have been molested!
Yes, I'm a Emotion/Mental CASE!
In 1991 I started studying the Bible! I began a new life "Taking off the old personality & putting on the New"!
No, I do not LIE, deceive or play game with others lives like others say I do!
I'm the kind of person that would try to help "Just about anyone"!
But, have been cheated, lied to, deceived, stolen from, ripped off...etc. in this industry longer than a majority of you all have been alive!
I am one of the "TRUE CABLE DAWGS"!
A lot of these "Pot smoking, white powder sniffin, Snot nosed WHIMPS.....LIKE THE ONES SPEADING CRAP ABOUT ME mainly......
Could not SWEEP, or anything else in this industry themselves out of a Bag made of HOT AIR!
Where a majority of you make up in "SELFISH, SELF RIGHTIOUSNESS......I make up in "Fruitage's of the HOLY SPIRIT"! Please read 1 Corinthians 13:4-13......
PLEASE continue to MOCK and MAKE FUN of me.....
This is posting #66512. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: "The Truth will set you free"! Healing theyselves........... 1 CATV Black Sheep 3/30/2002 10:19:00 AM