I'll stand with warehouse in saying that DSS or "personal" satellite is the future. The fact is that the cable companies can't offer you anything that you can't get from a personal dish. I've said this before, look at any "Cable" company's Head End(s) and what do you see? It all comes from the same place, the key is in how it's delivered to the home. I dont think you will see cable co.s offering dishes any time soon. This would be an oxy-moron. It goes against their very existence. Dishes put too much "control" in the hands of the consumer. They virtually eliminate the need for service techs and installers by allowing anyone with a 7/16 wrench, a drill and a manual to assume these roles. Although most people would rather pay someone else to do the job, the principle is still there.
I see Cable and Satellite co.s coexisting for a while to come but inevitably everything will be wireless.