(Now that's FUNNY!)
> Well, Mike O'Conner? "Who you" isn't that a needed "Grammer correcting"? Yes, I think you must be "Illiterate" like you call everyone else when they make spelling & Grammer mistakes!
> Next is the "FACTS" as "YOU" see them are VERY distorted!
> But, of course one would expect this coming from an "Illiterate", Lying ONION HEAD..and FAR from distinguished!
> The FACTS are as follows:
> Mike Jones came to my home in St. Charles, MO. to do an install that I had already completed! He was working for a sad company called NACOM/AmeriLink Corp. (NAPALM)!
> He "Seemed" to have his act together and drove a nice truck with all his own tools in it!
> I spoke to him about learning Sweep to do (End of the Line readings) for six months min. and progress on from there!
> He had a TRILITHICS TriCorder (RF/CLI field meter) with him taking the readings off my drop!
> His application that I still have on file said he had been doing cable & digital installs for a min. of 6 months! So he should have had an understanding of RF!
> And his Boss Bud Cardwell (Area Manager) is what he put said that he was a descent installer and knew his "RF" meter good, new how to run coax! BUT, had some personal issues!
> I went ahead and hired Mike Jones based on a "WRITTEN CONTRACT"! Which stated he would NOT be able to go to work on the project if he quit for 6 months! And that if I envested my time on "TRAINING" that if he quit he would owe me a certain amount of money!
> After only a few days this guy started involving me in his "PERSONAL" issues about this girlfriend/wife he had/has!
> He was VERY EMOTIONAL about things!
> I was kind enough to spend a LOT of time counciling him when we NEEDED to be working!
> He did not make hardly any progress in a few weeks!
> He could not get the hang of the meter (WaveTek StealthTak)
> I DID NOT REQUIRE him to buy one of his own UNLESS he was going to continue to lean to sweep!
> He chose to ask his MOTHER for a loan to purchase the meter!
> After trying him at END OF THE LINE READINGS for 4 WEEKS and he could only do 4 or five a DAY! And not even NAME them correctly! I even gave him CHEAT SHEETS on EXACTLY how to do everything!
> I sat him down and told him it was not working out very well at that point! I told him if he could not advance better than he was then he needed to go back to installations!
> He came to me the next day and QUIT! Not only did he QUIT HIMSELF! But, he chose to go elsewhere Mike O'Conner who was at the time a SUB for the same company I was a sub for! And got hired "AGAINST" Mike Jones and my contract! And against the local AT&T, Contractors (Verbal) agreement NOT to hire people that worked for other contracts or subs!
> Yes, I did find Mike O'Conner with Mike Jones on a pole on the project and YES I did confront Mike Jones!
> I was telling Mike Jones that he was not to be on the project!
> He then began threatening me and started SWINGING his Climbing belt at me!
> I di not lock myself in my truck!
> I did call the owner of the company who I and Mike O'Conner were subing to at the time and told him I did not want Mike Jones on this project since he and I parted on BAD terms!
> The Owner Agreed!
> END OF STORY!!!!!!!!
> As for you and I getting together Mike O'Conner and working this out! Feel free to contact me anytime and make arrangements! You know where I live! But, I DOUBT VERY SERIOUSLY if you want to try to get a piece of me!