Well, I have stated the facts many many times.
Fact: Mark Pickeral was a sweep sub in St. Louis, MO who hired a cable tech by the name of Mike Jones, as a sweep trainee.
Fact: That trainee was a Navy retiree appx. 38 yrs old. This person was of the caliber that he was a former PBR Driver for the S.E.A.L's. Not a position obtained by those of less than stable personalities nor able unable to follow instructions.
Fact: This trainee was asked to purchase his own Stealth, he did so.
Fact: The trainee worked for Pickeral for one month, and after having made an investment of $6500, decided to leave the Pickeral training scam.
Fact: The trainee came to my hotel room the Sunday after his leaving the scam, with a demand letter from Pickeral, Stating that the trainee was being held responsible for $6000, as a result of training that Pickeral had provided.
Fact: I found the trainee to be cordial, intelligent and motivated, and wholly void of any actual undestanding of Rf let alone sweep.
Fact: I hired the Trainee on strictly production basis, no base, no parachute, do it or lose it. He eagerly agreed.
Fact: In short order,Pickeral found him taking a reference on one of my Nodes, and decided to invite this fellow down to get his ass kicked. My trainee came down to discuss it, but sadly, by the time he delashed and climbed down, Pickeral was in his truck, doors locked and calling a cop and everyone he knew relative to the project. Including the MSO officers.
Fact: Pickeral called every AT&T suit he knew.
Fact: Pickeral nearly got us all removed from the project, because he didn't have the courage to simply be a decent person.
Fact: Pickeral refused to sign the trainee over to me, and let the guy make a living, and take training from someone that could actually train him. (On top of trying to bill someone for what he couldn't provide)
Fact: I have not laid eyes on Mark Pickeral since before I hired Mike Jones.
Fact: I would be delighted to tell you this to Pickerals face. If you feel strongly about it let me know. Seems rather silly to me.
Now, those are the facts, I DO hope that helps.
> > Hey O'Conner?
> > Please try to BACK YOUR LIES up with some facts instead of rambling on as usual.......
> > Feel free to share. I would love to hear some "True" stories of my LIES and cheating PLEASE????
> > The NUISANCE I must admitt to....LOL I LOVE IT!
> > Oh, one other question Mr. O'Conner????
> > Why was it you waited until you were out of the state of MO. and on the internet to make your coments instead of facing me like a man????? LOL
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Pickeral the "one cable black balled sheep", has done nothing BUT put down ppl and companies with one side of the story.
> > >
> > > I know him to be a liar, a cheat and a general nuisance.As the below post illustrates wonderfully.
> > >
> > > Mike O'Conner
> > >
> > > > Sorry, I do not believe in "Putting down" or "Putting a business" OUT OF BUSINESS with only ONE Side of the story.
> > > > Lets hear from Prince Telecomm.