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Re:AT&T Broadband, Just hang it up and sale.

I would have to agree with you GPSplice but there are some good certification techs down there. I could count them all on one hand though! and not of them are in house. Even the AT&T Engineering staff have no clue, nor does Denver! AT&T Denver is now handling tickets to work in a node requesting 48 hours in advance notified with a 61 page word document explaining what's going on for that day. AT&T has layed so many of there people off making them unable to support the run rate set for the month. If anyone from AT&T Denver is reading this, just take a minute and jerk off to clear your mind and take a look at how your running your company. It might not be a bad idea to talk to someone with CATV background before pushing forward with anymore plans for the future.

>You sure got that right about Jacksonville FL not knowing what they're doing. They're so inexperienced that they dont even know some of their sweepers arent even real sweepers. But of course they'll figure it out after the loose their ass, and the hackers bank the money and move on to do it again somewhere else. Meanwhile Jacksonville will be paying again to have real sweepers come in and do it right. I've been splicing long enough to know I could do better than the jokes they have there now.
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Posted in reply to: AT&T Broadband, Just hang it up and sale. by Zeph
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