I have to agree with Cheyenne Frontier this industry is real being taken over by the big dog. The MSO gives the prime a good price and then by the time they take there cut and offer it to other subs there's nothing left for anyone else. Then if they do give you good prices they have taken the backbone and leave the S_________ work for everyone else. If everyone in this industry would join together maybe we all could make the MSO releaize that it's better to pay the good prices. I know for a fact that in several locations in TX there has been 10 to 25 different sub in there to do the work then when they get there and see the ________ work they leave within a couple of day. Prime wants you to do all the work with tree trimming prices, or tell you that the homeowner's won't let you trim the trees. I was alway told that all utility companies have an easement to work in. In some place the tree branches are so bad that it even puts the crews in danager from the power line.
This has got to stop.
>The smartest thing I heard on this Bar this far. I am not a splicer, but it applies to all in the CATV industry.
>Thank you.
>>Over the past week or so I have spoken to a few people looking for good lineman. They seem to have trouble holding on to workers. Work a few days/weeks and are searching again.
>>Has any of you wondered why that is?
>>I have heard rates of .08 thru .14, these are rates of yesteryears.
>>If you are serious about your contracts and want QUALITY workers you have to pay a better rate. Give them a reason to stay with you.
>>Yes there are people out there accepting these rates and most likly you are getting what you pay for.
>>If you want good work and steady employees you will have to start paying a bit better.
>>Look at it this way, you can keep paying the low rates and keep looking every other week for a new employee, thus causing a lag in YOUR production because your truck is sitting empty, and no work is being done. And also going thru the headache of hiring new all the time and all the paper work.
>>You can offer a better more reasonable rate and get some long term help. You will still make money and at a faster rate I would think because steady employee equals steady construction and work. Plus you would have fewer headaches dealing with new hires all the time.
>>Just my thoughts on the situation. If anyone has a serious offer for an expierenced very qualified cable dawg let me know. In the mean time I am better off staying at home earning less but being with my family. There has to be an incentive to leave the comfort of a loving wife and kids that admire me.
Re:reasons why
Member #: 9065
Registered: 1996-2001
Danny D & Jacqui
Danny D & Jacqui
Fiber Fly Communications
~33 years
This is CABL.com posting #40359. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mkE7
Posted in reply to: Re:reasons why by Cheyenne Frontier Comm.Inc.
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