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Re: Actives Spliced in backwards..

Morning Staging:

(Lead Splicer a) ( 15 years Exp. ) Splice Node and setup, locate last amp in feeding node ,terminate trunk output, check powering or re-power old plant.

(Rookie Splicer b) ( 3 years tapping Exp. Just started doing actives) Start on all the turn around amps on reverse side.

(Party Animal Splicer c) (has forgotten more then most splicer know but has a clouded mind) Splice in New Power Supply and go to old power supply and terminate power feeding in to new, start splicing on the foreword amps.

This is not a fictional ,or a what if situation, I was Splicer (a)

a situations were an in-experienced splicer (s) could get the system running and pass specs as far as levels go. (that is if the new were the same as the old, had to setup at old levels due to node problems or read on)

Well Splicer (a) was working on the node, when the node was spliced he started to setup the node but couldn’t because the powering was wrong (due to no meter at the NEW Power Supply Location)

Splicer (b) was working on the Reverse side of the node, and Knew the node was not going to be lit for a few hours, so the splicer continued on his merry way, and all this time he wasn’t thinking ahead.

Splicer (c) Showed up late and had a hangover from partying all night at the motel lounge , he then got bits and pieces of what to do and who was doing what. So Splicer © went to his new power supply location, when he arrived there he found that the new location was not metered yet. So still suffering from a hangover and not wanting to be there that day.

He decided to splice in the New inserter so he can claim the footage but not thinking, he didn’t inform the rest of the team what was going on , so Splicer (a) lost AC and didn’t think a thing about it., 20 minutes later AC is back up.

Splicer (c) thought to him self ,there was power there before so he decided to go to the 7-11 for a Coffee or a little hair of the dog, and then started at his 1st forward amp location, and still haven’t told any one about the powering problem

So Splicer (a) sets up the node and spends most of his time, on the phone with the PRIME in regards to other problems that is an everyday thing in cable.

Then he decided to go and help Splicer (c) knowing he had a real bad hangover , so when he got there splicer (c) didn’t inform him about the powering problem,.

So he then went to the next amp location and with him being pissed at Splicer © He forgot about Splicer (b)

Splicer (b) was just finishing up his last reverse amp ( Splicer (a) told him to do a temp. plug in the output and he would take care of it when he got there., well he never got there)

when he plugged in the temp he blew the fuse in the node from bucking ac, when he went back to his 1st amp to setup he found that there were no high channels.

So from prior knowledge he set it up at the old levels to get the customers back on and then setup the rest of his amps.

After that he went and found Splicer (a) to find out what was next. (oh I forgot to mention that Splicer (c) took off and went back to his motel room because he was to sick to work) so that made Splicer (a) even more Pisses off

So he sent Splicer (b) to go and re-balance the forward old plant.

Bottom Line .. It was a Screw Up by everybody involved out there that day.

So TEAM of teamwork is the key Every body can work, but only a given few can work as a team .

Needless to say I no longer worked with the Party Animal but splicer (b) turned out to be a very proficient splicer who has since started his own crew.

Longspan….May 2001

This is posting #39366. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: BACKWARD SPLICED ACTIVES?! by design engineer
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