I've been preaching for years that this industry needs to go back to hourly rates with Travel Expense for those working Prime Contractors. Prior to 1970 that is all we had, every one paid hourly, some with expense, the first project I managed for Jerrold Electronics where our contractor was paying units work was Burnip and Sims 1973. B/S was our prime contractor, the job run ok but the workers were not use to unit work From that date forward every other prime contractor that I used, jumped on board with unit pay out To be fair, the hourly rate should match telephone/power linemen with some benefits,, along with travel expense for those tramp workers who travel with the company. Life in general is hard enough, but when your required to work units, travel, living out of cheap motels and eating fast foods while maintaining a family/ home enviroment, sooner or later you just give up and look else where for work. When you look a union laborers with all those benefits, you start wondering "What the hell am I doing in Cable".
Keep safe: Microman Better days are ahead...keep the faith !!!!