What you said rings a few bells for me. I suggest some "Due Dillagence" on your part. Investigate this potental work source.
Does your new client have an office in the state you will be working?
How long....where else.....who else is a contractor....who are the employees?
REGARDING the insurance......have you bveen offered an insurance certificate showing
you as having coverage? They may be deducting 10% but going bareback as far as
actually enrollijng you. Besides, insurance is a fundamental business expense.
At least see if you can afford coverage.....If not why are they offering rates that will not
support regular business expewnses? Your contracy specification should also define
what you will be doing in a way that an insurance agent can quote you a rate.
Same thing with the meter. There should be a specification in your contract that
defines what and how you present finished work. There should be a provision for
identifying successful & unsuccessful work.
Ask more questions & good luck,
Re: Back in the business after 10 years, a few ?
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