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Re: More Insurers Join Obamacare Arena

"Single Payer has worked in just about every industrialized nation on the planet.  If you want to bring the VA into this, fine, let’s go back to the reason the VA is so backlogged in the first place, which is causing it to have the issues.  In my world, we call that drilling down to the root of the problem.  Root of the VA problem; Two Wars that were started by a republican president, then the lack of the republican ran congress to address the issue and attempt to fix it."

OK lets look at it.

1.    We were attacked by al Qaeda. That is what started the wars. Before you even start on Bush had intel about it before hand but didn’t act, I’ll remind you that Clinton had the chance to take bin Laden out but didn’t. Also if you’re going to play that you then need to hold Obama responsible for not using the intel he had to stop ISIS before they got started. But back to Bush, he also went before congress and asked them to declare war. So many democrats also signed off on it.

2.    Bush was working on reforming the VA when he left office. It’s on record that he briefed El Presidente’ Obama about the problems developing at the VA and that they would need to be dealt with soon before they became unmanageable. Something El Presidente’ never did until it became a scandal. With that information in mind let’s not forget that for the first 2 years almost 3 El Presidente’s party held control over both houses of congress and yet did NOTHING about it.

3.    Now look at the VA its self. It is a bloated bureaucratic mess. They actually use a computer program that tells the doctor how to treat his patient. He is not allowed to deviate from it. Example, I was doing work on a guy’s house for the Wounded Warrior Project. He was telling me that he needed to get his knee replaced but the VA would not do it because of his age. The computer program said he was too young to have it done and would wear it out and need another one within 20 years. He would have to wait until he was 57 years old. The man is 36. The computer program is cost driven, so it looks at the cost of the operation, and the person’s life expectancy and weighs the cost. So according to this the guy has to live in pain, use crutches and a wheelchair for 21 years because it’s cheaper. That’s a perfect example of single payer government run healthcare. If that’s what you want you can have it but not me.

If single payer healthcare is so great why is it that Canadian people come to the US to get their care? It’s because of the wait time to see a doctor. If you thought the VA wait times were bad the ones in Canada are worse. Then in places like the UK only the people who can’t afford a privet doctor use the national system. In Britten there are two separate healthcare systems, the people who can afford to use a privet system. The reason is not only better care but in the UK they also have extremely long wait times to see a doctor. We’re talking months sometimes up to a year.

Single payer all sounds well and good but you can keep it.

So tell us there dfwdtv, are you signed up with Obamacare?

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Posted in reply to: Re: More Insurers Join Obamacare Arena by dfwdtv
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Re: More Insurers Join Obamacare Arena Trey9007 10/5/2014 6:20:04 PM