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Re: Bill To End All Energy Tax Credits to Restore

Companion legislation has been introduced in the Senate and the House to end all energy tax credits. This will include wind, solar, ethanol and oil. In other words, taxpayers will no longer be picking up some of the tab for private companies in the power business.

If you need, take a moment to recover from the absurdity of the concept and then understand that this would entail removing billions of federal dollars from the private marketplace.

Apparently forgetting how unnecessary integral the redistribution of citizens’ money via Washington is to the process of generating power, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) said:

Washington should not be using taxpayer money to pick winners and losers in the energy industry.


Consumer-driven, free-market competition provides a much better way to ensure Americans have access to reliable, affordable energy.


This will restore free-market competition.


The Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act would level the playing field for all energy producers, forcing them to compete for consumer dollars rather than political favors.

As if these statements are not enough to cause one’s head to explode, Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-Kansas), who is sponsoring the House version of the bill, made one of the most sensible outrageous statements of the century:

American families shouldn’t have to subsidize energy companies when they’re having trouble enough paying their utility bills.


Companies should have customers, not political patrons.

We caution these two legislators, as well as any supporters, to consider these questions before proceeding:

  1. Do you ever want to get invited to a bipartisan Georgetown cocktail soiree?
  2. Can you fathom the possibility of not getting asked to work as a lobbyist in DC after leaving Congress?
  3. Are you OK with being accused of selfish racism by MSNBC?
  4. Is never getting described by New York Times as “reasonable” or “thoughtful” acceptable to you?

Proceed carefully, gentlemen. But know you do so with our complete support.

If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking.
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