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Re: Directv's Contractor Pricing for Upgrades/Swap

You should probably look for another contractor to work for. Are you in an O&O market if so they provide their contractors with poles and concrete for free. Also may want to go in house if you are in O&O market. I work in house for O&O and generally work 40-45 hours a week right now working about 50 cause we are busy as heck. I make about 80k a year and get about 3.5 weeks paid vacation, paid holidays, piece rate but get OT pay after 40 hours, never buy anything, even pay for my work boots every year lol, I see them once a week and never anymore not even in the field if you do your work right. Other bennies include paid training anytime I have it, drive time pay if you have to drive a long route, paid for warehouse time when picking up equipment and stuff. List goes on and on but never have any complaints and upgrades for us I bet pay more than what you get and we don't buy any parts.
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