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Re: Not gonna take it anymore?

A college education does not mean anything these days.  I graduated with my MBA and where the hell am I?  Still working in cable.  I have been lookin for the last 4 years for a career position using my degree and there are no jobs, thanks Obama.  So I don't blame them for wanting more money to stuff that creme filling into a twinkie, if the CEO is going to take a 300% increase in pay why shouldn't you expect to be taken care of by the company.  This is the same reason I keep switching from contract to contract, when the company gets greedy and does not want to share the money with the people who make the money for the company time to move to the next company. 
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Posted in reply to: Re: Not gonna take it anymore? by vegassatellite
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Re: Not gonna take it anymore? Shane FOUNTAIN 12/17/2012 4:11:51 PM