If your meaning of conservitisam is G Bush then you are right I don't know.Less Gov in my house and state would be great if it was possiable.
It is impossiable to have this in our country.
mainly because we are a country of mutipul belives or whats known as a plural sociaty. Who is the one that sets the standards. You will say the people will when they vote. But that don't fix nothing, look at this site.
When the people allow paperless searchs or laws that limt how much food you can store in ones house. or allow wars under false pretance on another country, track every penny one spends on some of the people and not others. where the people allow some laws to be pressed on some of the people and not others. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.
Hell Franklin said it best Any man that will trade certain rights to feel safer dont deserve any.I know thats not word for word but the point is the same.
Yet we as a country swear we are a GOD fearing country yet childern around
the world go to bed hungry at night and die from sickness that can be cured by a shot.
We arm the planet to the teeth evan our enimies we arm just so we can go to war later.When the world looks at us as country of war and not peace then something is wrong
how is that being a Conservitest. It just makes us look like assholes.
If we are the leaders of the world should we not lead by example and not force our belives upon others.
I am greatful for some of the shit we do offer are people. but usally people who will call me a soft hearted lib should thank God they have not seen what I have had happen. When you look down at your 10 year old lying in a coma because some lady hit him and this country paid for the bill due to the fact I was in between work is that not something a country should do for one of its people. When I had to bury my wife 22 years ago due to a car acciedent and there was not enough to pay for the bills once again is this not what a country should do for its people. What is wrong to show compaission in ones heart with out having people bitching at you calling you a lib or socialist.
This country dose good work but it can due more.
I do get pissed at people who cry and talk about how they are an American and yet will say my son should have died since I had no Ins. and that my wife should have her body kicked to the curb.
Being an AMERICAN means to live your life free and to seek your RESONABLE dreams and not being told how to live our lives. LIVE AND LET LIVE.
As far as Taxes I am against the system that both parties try to bring to the table and have been fighting over for years and have yet to fix it.
I say if you want fair than have a flat Tax for everyone and every company that claims the rights of America. This country was strong at one time because we made shit here. We didn't ship it over seas to save a penny or two while losing AMERICAN jobs.
As much as it kills me one of the worst things that Bill Clinton did was NAFTA.
although it was ment to be a goodthing there was to many loop holes left open and we lost.
An American should be a person who after taking care of his own have the compasion of helping others not because they have to but because they want to. Since we were blessed to be born under the stars and sripes should we not thank our God whom ever you belive it to be. and try to make it possiable for the others to have the same chance.
Yes once again people might talk about my grammer or spelling and if so then you prove my point evan more. With all the crap there is and you pick that to complain about.
With the exception of those two incedeants I have asked nothing from my country in times of trouble or anything else After my stroke I could collect my SS since I have paid my 40 credits and many people dont and collect it I don't. I don't like freeloaders and I think everyone knows atleast one.
I dont blame Rep or Dem for where I am in life I made the choices I made so now I deal with it. But I still can and do show Compaison for people who have less than me. Onething I have learned was it can always be worse.
Yes I have heard Rush's show after 30 minuates I could not stomach it all he dose is talk about whats wrong and who to blame he makes money by doing so he don't care about anything. If you take the money away he would have to get a real job like us.
A real American looks as public service as a duty and Honor not a way to steal from the people and collect a BIG BIG pay check with a kick ass retirement fund.
Just think of this. Why is a country that is for the people by the people scared of those people.
Re: The Real Story of Thanksgiving
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